Thursday, March 28, 2019

Building a Relationship Between Learning and Teaching

The word teaching means “to show” or “to point out” and the word learning means “to get knowledge”; it is evident from the meaning of these words that both of them can’t function without each other. What would be the point of teaching if there is no learning and how would learning be possible if there is no one teaching?

Kaintal School, the best ICSE schools in Patiala, gives you a list of how both of them go hand in hand:

• Feedback

As communication is two- way between the teachers and students, it helps build a better understanding among both the teachers and students. By evaluating the responses of students a teacher can identify if the students are able to comprehend what is being taught.

• Individual Attention to Students

Feedback helps a teacher workshop on the key problem areas of a student. It helps to identify the students finding difficulty in learning and a teacher can either pay more attention to a set of students or switch to other methods of delivering her lesson plan.

• More Personal Connect

At Kaintal School, one of the best schools in Patiala we believe that teaching is not only restricted to imparting academic education. The students form a personal connect with the teacher throughout the session which helps them share their problems.

• Motivation

Without teaching, the students will lose motivation to study. The premier role of the teacher is to arouse curiosity and interest among the students to learn. Teachers also encourage the students in case they begin to lose interest.

• Better Guidance

Teaching gives learning a sense of direction and a better plan of what to learn and how to learn. Learning cannot take place in isolation, teaching organizes an environment for learning to take place and lays a path for learning.

Thus, the relationship between the two remains inseparable. Learning without someone teaching is like a soul without a body.

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