Tuesday, March 31, 2020

5 Positive Parenting Tips to Keep Your Children Calm during COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is spreading globally at a fast pace and growing exponentially in countries all around the globe. Kaintal School, one of the best schools in Patiala, is sharing five parenting tips to interact with your children constructively during this pandemic of COVID-19.

1. One-on-One Time

School shutdowns are the best time to build better relationships with your child. Make the best use of this time by:

  • Setting aside time to spend with your child.
  • Asking your child what they would like to do to boost their self-confidence.
  • Reading a book or telling a story with your children.
  • Doing chores together – cleaning or cooking for the family.
  • Talking about something they like, such as sports, music, or friends.

2. Encourage Positivity

It becomes hard to feel positive when our children drive us crazy. To encourage a positive attitude and behavior, praise your child when they behave well or do something great on their own. Also, making use of positive words such as “please” while doing chores together is a good way to respect and encourage positivity.

3. Structure up

COVID-19 might have disrupted the daily routines. Create a flexible but consistent daily routine such as doing exercise in a day, structuring activities as well as free time, and teach your children about physical distancing.

4. Keep Calm and Manage Stress

We can understand that the current times can be challenging and stressful at the same time but to keep calm and manage stress is crucial at the moment. You can do so by initiating a 1-minute relaxation activity such as meditation whenever you are feeling stressed.

5. Talking about COVID-19

Your children might have heard something. It’s better to think about how much they will understand as you know them the best. Be open and listen, be honest and be supportive. It’s completely fine not to know the answers but make sure that you share only the information from verified sources.

Kaintal School, ICSE School in Patiala, suggests to please take care of yourself and keep yourselves at homes so that you can support and help your children in these trying times.

Friday, March 13, 2020

How to Stay Safe and Protected from Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) at Home

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) causes respiratory illnesses where the lungs are usually affected first. It is a deadly virus that can cause death of a person if left untreated. The early symptoms of this pandemic include fever, cough, shortness of breath which starts within 2-14 days post-exposure to the virus.

COVID-19 severity varies from mild to severe or sometimes fatal illness. Kaintal School, one of the best ICSE Schools in Patiala, recommends everyone not to panic and take initiative to create awareness about COVID-19.

Let’s see how we can prepare, stay safe, and be protected from this pandemic.

1. Keep yourself clean.

Health experts say frequent hand washing with soap and disinfectants such as hand sanitizers is the most effective way to avoid contracting COVID-19. The virus may also accumulate on the surfaces of daily use, so cleaning them with the disinfecting wipes can be useful.

2. Seek medical care in case of fever, cough, and difficulty.

Stay at home if you are feeling unwell. Seek medical attention and care in advance. Keep yourself updated with the latest information regarding the situation in your area. 

3. Practice respiratory hygiene.

Always make sure you and the people around you follow good respiratory hygiene. It refers to covering one’s mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Sanitize your hands and dump the tissue in the dustbin immediately. 

4. Follow the advice of your healthcare provider.

 It is equally important to be regularly updated and informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow the advice given by your healthcare provider, your local and national public health authority, to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Kaintal School, an ICSE affiliated school in Patiala, advises the students to follow above precautionary measures and strives to create a healthy and safe environment to live and breathe.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Education Beyond Classrooms

Gone are the days when education was imparted within the four walls of a classroom. Globalization has not only brought the world closer but also widened the horizons of exploration and experiences. Students must strive for holistic development rather than limiting their areas of expertise to academic curriculum only. 

Kaintal School, frequently listed among the best ICSE schools in Patiala, has always been known as the cultivator and nurturer of global citizens and makes sure to include certain activities in the curriculum which would eventually result in the all-round development of the students. Here is a list of benefits of education beyond the classroom.

Real-World Context

Learning beyond the classroom focuses on providing the students with experiences that help them to implement whatever they have learned in execution. These experiences differ from those that arise through conventional teaching methods as students may be encouraged to engage a broader range of soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, and compromise in their learning environment. It provides the students with challenging, exciting, and different experiences to help them learn.

Improves Decision-Making Skills

Conventional teaching doesn't encourage students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. While learning outside the classroom can. This is when non-conventional learning comes into play. Not only can learning outside the classroom lead to a deeper understanding of challenging concepts, but it can also provide a context for learning in many areas.

Nurtures Creativity

Non-conventional learning enables students to explore freely. Taking kids beyond the classroom gives room to their intellect to grow by making use of the environment. The visual experiences have a much deeper impact on the students than conventional learning.

Kaintal School, one of the top ten schools in Patiala, strongly believes that education beyond classrooms can be very impactful and enlightening for the students and it should be enforced in the daily academic life of a student.

From Imagination to Creation: How Robotics Inspires Creativity in Students | ICSE School in Patiala

Robotics has become a widely popular field in education, especially for school students. The ability to create, program, and interact with r...