Monday, August 31, 2020

Why Meditation Programs is the need of the Hour

Meditation is the sort of an eternal bath that reduces negative feelings and emotions such as anxiety, stress, anger, and fear. Kaintal School, the best school in Patiala recognizes that making students involve in meditation is essential for sustainable physical living but also helps in emotional regulation, and improves memory, attention span, optimism, and empathy.

Mindfulness programs are highly interconnected with the emerging neuroscience and health benefits on the brain and body. The meditation practice appears to have several neurological benefits such as reduced activity in the “me” centers of the brain and enhances connectivity between different regions of the brain. It also improves attention, concentration, and overall psychological well-being of a person and reduces the symptoms of depression and pain.

Creating a culture of mindfulness in the classrooms can reap out enormous benefits for the kids and teachers as well. If a classroom teacher cannot conduct a meditation program, it is best to call an instructor to teach mindfulness. It is recommended to train the teachers before involving children and parents in the mindfulness programs. Parental involvement will make sure that the training is secular with no religious differences.

Short meditation breaks for kids have been more promising than adults as kids’ brains are still at their developing stage. In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, it is crucial to stay calm and enlighten oneself daily, and meditation is the key. And it is the best practice one can do to keep his mental health in check.

Bringing mindfulness into schools can show an enormous impact on children’s brains and bodies. Studies have found that a mindfulness program can improve higher-order thinking skills, and is less likely to develop thoughts of self-harm, and improvements in cognitive ability have been seen.

Kaintal School, counted among top ICSE Schools in Patiala, is dedicated to conducting such programs that enhance students’ skills and make them confident humans.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Truth about the Importance of Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities are an essential part of education curricula. Though these activities do not come under the academic curriculum, its importance in the growth of a child’s overall development cannot be neglected. Also, it is said that extra-curricular activities are not considered to be an essential part of a child’s life, but that is not the case.

Just like a plant cannot grow only by watering; similarly, the child’s brain development and intelligence cannot be enhanced only by academic studies. A diverse set of skills, principles, and values come with participating in activities that include teamwork, communication, discipline, accountability, to name a few.

Kaintal School, the best ICSE school in Patiala, creates a strong sense of duty, discipline and motivate the students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Let’s have a look at the benefits of these activities in a student’s life.

Strong Social Skills: Involvement in extra-curricular activities decreases anti-social behaviors, and students acquire communication and relationship building skills. Also, studies have shown that participating in these activities reduces the risk of committing suicide and less likely to do self-harm.

Growth in Academic Performance: Participating in sports and outdoor games help in building stamina, increases focus, handles pressure in challenging times, and possess a more positive attitude towards learning and higher academic aspirations.

Accountability and Commitment: Students who participate in extra-curricular activities foster a sense of responsibility and commitment to the sports or activities they are part of. The feeling of being responsible and commitment also extends in other areas of their lives.

High Exposure: Extra-curricular activities such as art & craft, photography, singing, sports, and games give child exposure to new opportunities. Who knows a child may turn these hobbies into passions and end up building a career in their lives.

Unity in Diversity: Many students who participate in these activities help them in adapting and learning about new cultures and rituals when they go abroad or a new place.

Kaintal School, counted among top ten schools in Patiala, believes group playing and interactions give a sense of belongingness to people from diverse backgrounds pursuing similar interests and maintain ever-lasting friendships and bonds.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Involvement of Parents in Child Education

The success of a student in life is not only determined by how prestigious the school is that child attends but the extent to which a child’s parents are involved in their child’s education and encourage learning at home. The involvement of parents in a child’s education makes the child a lifelong learner.

Parent involvement includes several different forms of participation in a child’s education, such as attending school functions, monitoring homework, providing encouragement, and modeling desired behavior. Parent involvement is directly proportional to the child’s achievement. Schools that conduct programs such as involving parents reading with their child and supporting their homework at home show phenomenal results.

Kaintal School, the best ICSE schools in Patiala, believes there is a relationship between parent involvement and a child’s outcome in terms of attitude and behavior such as absenteeism, classroom behavior, motivation, and retention, which leads us to the positive attitudes and social behavior.

Parent engagement also helps in creating a more positive learning environment for every student. It is the shared responsibility of both parents and teachers to help their children meet their educational goals. In parent engagement, teachers relate to parents as an advisor who guides them through academic support of their child where teachers hold the responsibility to set the educational goals.

Parents also have valuable information or knowledge about their child that teachers might not know and with parent engagement, perspectives from both parents and teachers can enrich and helpful in student’s learning experience.

Takeaway: Teachers and administrators need to plan an effective process for involving parents and how they wish to engage them.

Kaintal School, the best schools in Patiala, provides training and orientation programs, encourage parent involvement from the first day of a child entering school, and communicate with parents that their contribution makes a great deal of difference in their child’s school performance and achievements.

From Imagination to Creation: How Robotics Inspires Creativity in Students | ICSE School in Patiala

Robotics has become a widely popular field in education, especially for school students. The ability to create, program, and interact with r...