Monday, June 17, 2019

How To Ensure That Students Settle Into A Routine

In this fast-paced world, the sooner children learn the tacks of following a routine the easier it will be for them as it helps one in getting things done more quickly and efficiently. Best schools in Patiala try to infill this quality from early classes. 

Here are some useful tips to help your children slide into a proper routine:

Plan And Set Up A Daily Schedule

A well-sketched out schedule lends order and stability to the child’s life. Parents can sit down with their children to plan a timetable for the forthcoming week fixing the time and day for every task and activity. To add some fun, children can be asked to throw in their suggestions as well so that they feel part of this entire process.

Early To Bed, Early To Rise

Make sure to keep your kids away from screen exposure at least one hour before they hit the sack. A well-rested body will wake up in the morning brimming with energy all set for the rest of the day. As they rise early they’d have all the time in the world to get ready for school.

Fix Proper Meal Times

Eating at the right time is as important as eating right. Set fixed time for breakfast, lunch and dinner and make sure you are eating at least one meal together as a family, preferably dinner. Discussing how each other’s day went over dinner helps the family in bonding.

Finish Homework On Time

As with all other things, teach children to manage their time efficiently by encouraging them to complete their schoolwork within a specified time span. They will also learn the skill of prioritizing. Once they’re done they can turn towards extracurricular activities. 

Set Good Examples

Children are highly impressionable beings and observe quite keenly. So lead by example. Sleep and wake up early, cook food, go to work and finish all the chores in time. Children look up to their parents as they can be the best role models for them.

Reward Your Children

Don’t make following routine a dull activity for children. Acknowledge their efforts to get by life beautifully by rewarding them with their favorite things. Keep life fun and interesting for them. 

It could be daunting to make children fall in with a daily routine but once they get used to it life certainly gets a lot smoother for them. Top ten schools in Patiala includes Kaintal School among them, which helps children grow in every aspect.

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