Monday, May 31, 2021

The Correct Way to Measure Your Child’s Progress When Learning Online

Virtual classes have become the new norm yet it’ll take some time before children, parents and teachers adjust successfully to it.  As the leading ICSE school in Patiala, here are some effective ways to know whether your child is learning well when studying at home.

Talk it Out With Them

Even better, request that they converse with you! Perhaps, at dinnertime with other relatives you can ask your kid what they learned in their online class.

Ask them to share just one thing; however that one thing will probably branch off into a bigger discussion. Requesting that your youngster disclose what they've learned to somebody other than their teacher is a decent way to check whether they've held any data.

Assign Them Some Project

Rather than doling out tests, you can give your kids projects. Give them a formula and educate them to significantly increase it by duplicating fixing sums (some of which can be portions!). Request that they plan a straightforward plan to play out some essential household chore or task.

Progress Matters More Than Percentages

Don’t be misled by marks and percentages. Instead focus on how much progress your child is making. Just because your child is answering only 60% of the questions correctly, doesn’t mean he hasn’t grasped the concepts properly. He may have done 40% of the questions right a week ago but now has moved on to 60%. That’s real improvement. However, if he remains stuck at 60% then you need to investigate why.

Observe Their Learning Process

Observe the little details like what is the reaction of your child when he can ‘t find the answer of solution to a problem, how much time he takes to solve questions, what kind of questions take more time from him, does he ask for or need any help, are there any topics that interest him more than others. When children are actively involved in their education and learning, it becomes more fun and fruitful.

Being one of the finest ICSE Affiliated schools in Patiala, we advise parents to step back instead of stepping in. What does this mean? Give them some space to learn and figure out problems on their own instead of letting them become too dependent upon you.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Raising Kids That Are Inclusive of Others

We live in a world where people are being more inclusive of others in order to create a more compassionate, understanding place for everyone. So how do you help your child become more inclusive? The leading ICSE school in Patiala shares some tips.

Encourage and Accept Individuality

It’s not only important to respect your own individuality but that of others as well. Children should be taught to respect other people’s uniqueness, individual personalities, habits, preferences, beliefs, looks and interests. We all matter in this world and bring something special and useful to the table. When this is understood, kids will be more accepting and inclusive of others.

There Should be No “In-Crowd”

Make your kids understand that the concept of the in-crowd is flawed and superficial. It doesn’t bring any real value. Also, the in-crowd may not be the best crowd. It’s more meaningful and fulfilling to focus on values of kindness, empathy, mutual respect and co-operation. Don’t invest too much in latest gadgets as this promotes materialism in kids and don’t attach acceptance to it.

Be More Friendly and Approachable

It is important for kids to reach out to others and initiate conversations. They should make other children in the class feel heard and values because everyone want to feel they matter. Motivate them to be friendly with new or reserved kids in the class. Ask them to recognize one good thing about a child they find annoying. This will teach them there’s good in everyone.

Empower Your Child

In the pursuit of being inclusive, your child should not feel left out by others. It is as important for your kid to feel valued, seen, heard, loved and appreciated by others. If the other child doesn’t reciprocate the same and is being emotionally or even physically belligerent towards your kid, then he doesn’t have to put up with that. It is acceptable to establish healthy boundaries even among children.

No one feels good to be left out. Building a spirit of inclusivity, both in the children and in their learning environment is something that we take seriously at one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Protect Your Mental Health and Wellness While Remote Learning

The entire nation is reeling under the weight of coronavirus again. In such situations, studying can become somewhat stressful, even remote learning. Being one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala, we value your mental health and are suggesting the following tips to stay calm and relaxed.

1.      Healthy Diet

Eating clean, healthy and organic foods is linked with better physical health, improved concentration, enhanced memory, and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety and better overall cognitive function. So avoid binge-eating your favorite junk food and switch over to fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

2.      Enough Sleep

Inadequate amount of sleep makes you tired, exhausted and overwhelmed. It makes you lose focus and attention. This causes stress in the body as the body is unable to produce the right amounts of serotonin and dopamine to prevent depression and anxiety. So get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily to preserve your mental health.

3.      Get more exercise

Regular exercise is just as important as a good diet and enough sleep. Individuals who get daily exercise are shown to have reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, better mood and blood circulation. Just 30 minutes of any form of exercise every day is sufficient.

4.      Social support network

It is important for your emotional well-being that you are connected to your friends, family and other social connections. Our social network provides us the much needed emotional comfort and support needed to keep us afloat.

5.      Do Some Hobby

Your hobbies provide you a chance to take a break from the monotony of everyday life and engage in something you like. Hobbies make you feel light, refreshed, happy and creatively satisfied, giving you a much-needed respite.

6.      Practice gratitude

Whenever you start feeling overwhelmed or anxious, pick out a journal and write down all the things that you every week, are grateful for. It could be something minor or something really big, doesn’t matter. Try to include new things every week. Research has shown it leads to more happiness and reduced rates of depression, stress and anxiety.

These are no doubt trying times for everyone. Kaintal School, the best ICSE school in Patiala, values the mental and physical well-being of its students and hopes they are all staying safe and healthy.

From Imagination to Creation: How Robotics Inspires Creativity in Students | ICSE School in Patiala

Robotics has become a widely popular field in education, especially for school students. The ability to create, program, and interact with r...