Monday, June 22, 2020

Inductive Model of Teaching

The goal of Models of teaching is to let students learn how to learn, and that should be the primary goal of education. The focus of education should be devoted to helping the students build their capacity to learn, primarily, learning how to learn. Kaintal School, the best school in Patiala, believes teaching models not only help to develop pupils’ understanding of the subject matter being taught but also provide pupils with a tool they can use to support their learning – both now and later in life.


Inductive Teaching Model requires pupils to sort, classify information, and generate hypothesis or rules. This process of thinking inductively can be a powerful tool for solving problems and can provide students with the skills and techniques they can use later in life. And, this will only happen if the teacher not only teaches the lesson but also makes explicit what they are doing through the use of metacognitive processes and involving them in ‘thinking through’ the lesson.


The inductive teaching model encourages pupils of all abilities to process the information according to the pupil’s logical order. Inductive teaching strategies are based on three stages that are involved in the inductive model of thinking process:


1. Concept Formation

This stage involves

  • identifying and enumerating the data that are relevant to a problem
  • grouping items based on similarity
  • developing categories and labels for the groups

To engage students in each of the above activities, teachers need to come up with strategic questions such as “what did you see?”, “what belongs together?”, “what we would call these groups?” would likely to induce the students to enumerate a list, grouping of things and developing labels or categories.


2. Interpretation of Data

Determining cause-and-effect relationships among data is required to build the mental muscle of operations that includes interpreting, inferring, and generalizing. This stage is propelled by the teacher’s eliciting questions like that in the case of concept-formation strategy.


3. Application of Principles

This last strategy follows the first two leading the students from concept-formation activities to activities requiring interpretation of data and then requiring the application of principles. Teachers in this stage help students predict consequences from the conditions that have been established or applying principles to explain new phenomena.


Kaintal School is the ICSE Affiliated School in Patiala that makes sure the students grow intellectually through the Inductive Model of Teaching.


Monday, June 8, 2020

How To Make Your Kids Smarter

Exploring the science between what makes your kids happier and smarter is essential. Kaintal School, ICSE school in Patiala, helps you explore ways backed by science to make your kid smarter while improving his IQ at the same time.

Music lessons: 

Research has shown that music lessons make kids smarter. They tend to exhibit a greater increase in their IQ. Whether an individual is young or old, musical training gives students learning advantages. 

Read together:

If you have got small kids who are still learning to read. Don’t let them just look at those bright pictures in a book while it is you who is doing all the reading. Focus your attention on the important words while reading and make them repeat them. Shared book reading is an effective vehicle for promoting early literacy ability in children.

Make your kids sleep better:

There is a direct correlation between grades and the average amount of sleep. Prepare your kid for better sleep by putting them to bed early and creating a sleep-friendly environment.

Make them learn a foreign language:

There are certain cognitive advantages of learning a foreign language. A kid who is skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure seems to have better multitasking skills, also known as the “juggling skill”.

Introduce them to open online courses:

Kids are definitely curious beyond measure and often parents don’t feel equipped enough to sate that curiosity. It is an economical way to make your kids learn and discover the things that interest them.

Teach your kid to play indoor games:

Playing indoor games like Chess, Jenga, Ludo, etc has led to an improvement of decision-making ability and problem-solving ability in a child. All the family members can participate and create rounds and reward the one who wins.

Engage your child in active conversations:

A stimulating home environment is pivotal to a child’s mental growth. Kaintal School, listed among the top ten schools in Patiala, proposes that engaging your child in lively conversations with challenging vocabulary helps them to put forward their opinion in a group of people. 


From Imagination to Creation: How Robotics Inspires Creativity in Students | ICSE School in Patiala

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