Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Exam Preparation Tips | From the Principal's Desk

The exam time is the most stressful part of the school year. It is important to be positive and physically fit for the exam. Think of it as a way to demonstrate knowledge and not as some imposing challenge. Go to the exam focused and relaxed.

We at Kaintal School, being the best ICSE schools in Patiala, have come up with the following tips that will guide you through time management.


Every day take out some time to do a little prayer as it builds up your confidence level and brings good luck.


• Fear for the exams may make you lose focus.

• Get into a regular study habit from the beginning rather than just before the exams. This will help you gain confidence.

• Have a positive attitude, do not compare yourself with others, and set a target according to your potential and grasping ability.

• Prepare syllabus thoroughly and solve previous sample papers.

• Self-study helps and gives the required confidence.

• Do a lot of group discussion with your friends, it helps you to clear all concepts.

• Divide the syllabus and subjects according to the days left.

• Do not hesitate in getting your doubts cleared and asking questions to your teachers and friends.

• Organize the study material for your study plan and proceed for preparation.

• Do the difficult stuff first but avoid getting stuck, skip it and get help later.


• Prepare a time table starting to study. Give the tough subjects more time and easier ones less. Decide clearly, what, when, and how much you will study each day.

• Write a diary with a daily track to ensure continuity of things to do.


Research has shown that the human brain cannot concentrate for more than 30 to 50 minutes continuously, so take 10 minute-breaks to recharge your brain, by doing things you like to do. Don't keep your routine fluctuating. Avoid last minute revision.


• Choose a comfortable and relaxing place to help you concentrate on what you are studying.

• Study in the silent hours of the morning when you can concentrate more or say NO to distractions.

• Don't try to study while the TV is on.

• Do light physical exercises.

• Parents should create a supportive environment at home so that children can prepare well with a stress-free mind.


Never sit on the bed or lie down on it while studying. Remember to sit straight with your feet slightly raised and parallel to the ground. Placing the feet on the ground causes ionization and induces sleep.


• While studying make small notes in the form of keywords or phrases or diagrammatic representations, so that you can remember all points during your revision. An ideal note could include all important formulas and figures and also other important points.

• Do a written practice of the formulas and definitions which are important. Study according to the marks distribution.

• Think about when your brain works best-Morning, Night or Middle of the afternoon.


• Sleeping for 6 hours and not more than 8 hours, will greatly affect your performance in the exam. Our brain is said to be most active from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. and in the evening from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and can retain the most at that time.

• Fasting will affect your performance adversely, so eat well but keep to a normal diet. Heavy meals containing rice, fats, spices, fried potatoes or non-vegetarian food are best to avoid as they rob the oxygen of brain and make you feel drowsy. Eat things which supply continuous energy to the brain for long spans of time. For e.g. sprouted food, high protein diet, green vegetables, curd, milk, honey, chocolate with cocoa etc. Don't forget to have a glass of water before you go to bed, to keep your brain cells charged.


• Practice writing answers in points. In essay questions don't forget to underline the keywords or important points. Try to write neatly and legibly.

• Read the question paper thoroughly.

• Before writing the answers, analyze in your mind as to which questions to attempt first. Attempt question papers carefully.


• Last but not least, remain confident and believe that you can do well.

Kaintal School, counted among the top ICSE schools in Patiala, believes that following these tips will help you to be stress-free during exams and secure good results.

Mrs. Rajinder Kaur Virk
Kaintal School

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How to Instill A Sense Of Discipline In Your Child

With lives getting busier and an ongoing metamorphosis of the Indian culture vis-a-vis the western culture, which advocates freedom in a way that may not be good for younger children. Disciplining children presents a colossal challenge in itself that may seem next to impossible to surmount.

The staff at Kaintal school, top ICSE school in Patiala, has advice on this matter, to discipline your child in an effective and assured manner.

Change your approach

Create a system for the child to base all aspects of his life on. Do this by
  •  Make sure you plan the day for your child and make a time table the child has to follow. Make sure to cover everything when making that timetable. Schedule his leisure time as well as time spent on studies.
  •  In a similar way, make a chart for their meals and make sure the child has a balanced diet comprising of all seasonal fruits and veggies.
  • An optional approach can be by introducing a reward-based approach. Make sure you reward your child both by praising and further by giving them whatever they like.

Always try to balance your approach. It is important for you to be stern but at the same time, the child should not lose confidence in you. Also, base your approach by what the child has to deal with otherwise in the household. If there is already someone who is very strict or very lenient, try to compliment that person by being the opposite but at the same time not overdoing it.

Nourish the bond

Make sure you are approachable for the child. Always have some time for a fruitful conversation where the child is comfortable enough to discuss his or her life with you. Never compromise on this. Always make sure you try to discuss all aspects of life to get them ready to face life themselves. Never underestimate them children are actually smarter than adults as they can focus on a particular thing sans of any distractions. Moreover, they are still young, they are yet to form any prejudices or stereotypes that adults have already in their mental approach.

Change yourself

Never forget that you are a role model for your child. They learn to behave first from you than others. So be the person yourself first, what you expect your children to become. Respect them and others around if you want them to be respectful. Be hard working yourself if you want them to work hard.


Shout or spank them. It is apparently the easiest thing to do. But it will end up ruining your child’s life. It will have a ripple effect and affect the child in more ways than one. With time your shouting and screaming will stop to make any difference to the child and the child may end up being defiant or will start lying or keeping secrets from you. The children will lose confidence in themselves and in you.

All these methods are sure to reap in the rewards. Please be patient with them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Teachers Helping Students to Become Global Citizens

Our world is becoming increasingly complex and small. The Internet has brought the world together, humans have never been more connected or interdependent. These changes gave rise to the concept of Global Citizenship. Global citizenship refers to the rights and responsibilities that come with being a member of a global community. It binds one to be entitled as an individual whose actions support the community’s purpose and values. 

With this ever-growing community of ours, there is a need to nurture and cultivate children who understand the concept of humanity and are responsible for a better future. Kaintal School, one of the best ICSE Affiliated Schools inPatiala, understands this responsibility as an institution responsible for shaping the future of young minds. Here is a list of ways through which teachers can help the students in becoming a global citizen.


Preach compassion among the pupils. Global citizenship brings along a whole set of rules, rights, regulations, and responsibilities. These rights, responsibilities, and values are consistent with the concept of “humanity”; being benevolence, mercy, as well as the thirst for knowledge and the willingness to help others. 


Global Citizenship should be introduced to the students as a mindset rather than just a part of the curriculum. The heart of global citizenship lies in humanity. When students are aware of the wider world and have a sense of their role as world citizens, it is easier to meet the needs of a peaceful and prosperous world.


Most of the disputes all over are world are recorded over the fact that people are unable to understand the strong yet extremely simple concept of co-existence. A global citizen always respects and values the diversity in society. Try to teach the students that people of different ethnicities, origins, and ideologies can co-exist peacefully.

Global citizenship nurtures respect and tolerance for others, global awareness, and empathy. Kaintal School, one of the Best ICSE Schools in Patiala, suggests that it is important to bring in a global perspective and demonstrate global citizenship for the citizens of tomorrow.

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